Week 8 Reading & Writing

Woo-hoo! We are halfway finished with this Fall semester; it's October which means it's almost Halloween (I am dressing up as Plankton and my boyfriend is going to be Mr. Krabs, what are you going to be?) and the weather is cooling down! I can only hope that we get a snowy winter! 

Anyways, I have been having a stressful semester so far and it seems like it is only getting worse, time goes by way too quick! I am, however, enjoying this class a lot. I like how it is set up via the announcement website, blogs, quizzes, projects, etc. The reading and writing assignments are going decently well. I am a little behind which is daunting. I am happy with the layout and design of my Blog page, but I do need to add more stories to it, I have plenty of reading notes though. I am also pleased with my website, although I think I would like to add a little more to it, e.g. moving graphics, choose-your-own-path selections, etc. I have created a couple of good stories on my blog, but I think I could produce more that are a little more interesting. I also have the one story on my website, which I have edited before, but there is some feedback from other students that I need to fix. 

As I said, I am going to add a few more stories to my blog and web page. The reading notes are very helpful when creating stories. The notes help me keep track of everything I need to re-create the story or at the least the links to help me get more information on the original story, characters, etc. My favorite story so far is called Twenty-Two Goblins. It's my favorite because it's dark and eerie, there is a twist, as well as magic and mystical creatures. The repetition is also very frustrating, which, for some reason, is appealing to me. 


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