Week 8 Comments & Feedback

1. Feedback In: The feedback that I have been getting has been great so far! I have a mixture of praise and critical feedback, which are both very much appreciated. I think the critical feedback comments are the most useful because it forces me to re-evaluate my work. Whether I agree with making a change or not, I always believe in evaluating the feedback because it always gives me a broader perspective.

2. Feedback Out: I would say that I have been giving some decent feedback, although I will be the first to admit that I am not the best at it. I always try to put my critical feedback with some positive feedback because I do not want to come off as being harsh, but it is also important to comment on the good quality of one's work. There always perfections and imperfections to be noticed. I have most definitely encountered some stories that have inspired some of my writing, e.g. my Jerry Springer story idea came from the student who did Odysseus on Ellen.

3. Blog Comments: I think commenting on other's blog is one of the most important features of this class. It is important to stay connected with what other's have accomplished in the class. Otherwise, I feel like one would get left behind or feel left out. When I see that someone has commented on one of my posts, I am more likely to pick one of their stories if I see it come across the randomizer; although, I do try to reach out to other blogs/projects that I do not recognize. I am happy with my introduction post, it is a good overall perspective of me. I think creating this blog has been a really interesting experience because it is creative and I have been more interested in our class work solely because of the domain. One thing I need to do is reply to those who have commented on my stuff...if you are reading this and are one of the people I have yet to reply to, it's coming and thanks for reading! :)

4. Looking Forward: First off, I need to take some more time to read the comments and edit my posts, in order for the feedback/comments to be more useful for me. I do not think that others should change how they are giving me feedback, they have all been very helpful and uplifting. I look forward to receiving more. I am not sure if I need to make changes to my feedback, I hope that I am providing adequate critiques that the author finds helpful. I will, however, try out the "pretend" feedback strategy. Honestly, I have been avoiding it... lol.

5. Image: To me, this picture represents an important aspect of the feedback process because, without practice, no one would get better at the things they do. This is a picture of a cute kitty who can do yoga, and I bet this picture of proceeded by a lot of practice, just kidding. My point is that practicing is good for developing these new abilities but also it is an opportunity for mistakes, which is an opportunity for learning (Why do I feel like an inspirational speaker on Ted talks...?).


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