Topic Brainstorm

    The first topic that I would like to possibly to my semester project on would be over the Rumpelstiltskin story, which is a Trickster story. I chose Rumpelstiltskin because it is a story that I have known since I was a little kid. It is the one of the most memorable because it is dark and has some humorous aspects to it. I think there is a lot of twists/changes that could be made to this story. I also like the use of Rumplestiltskin's song, I think it would be fun to re-create this song, like possibly changing it into a poem. I do not know much, actually anything, about this story so, since it is one of my favorites, I would like to learn more about this story, i.e., it's origin, the author, etc. 
    Secondly, I found the topic of Changelings. I chose this topic because I recognized it as the name of the movie, Changeling (2008), with Angelina Jolie. The movie, Changeling, puts a modern twist on the legend. I am a criminology major, so this seems right up my alley since it is about children being kidnapped. I think this would be fun to create a dark, mystery adaptation of a story, using this topic. Another movie that follows this theme is Rapunzel. My cousin and I have always loved this story and the movie. My cousin enjoys this story because she is obsessed with the princess' long, silky, blond hair. I, however, enjoyed it because Rapunzel was a bit ignorant, yet she goes through an adventure and begins to learn the truth about her situation. Until now, I have never read the Brothers Grimm version, but I will be using it if I chose it for my project, or in another storytelling assignment. I would also like to learn more about the origin of this story. 
    Another topic that I would like to focus on for my project is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which I like because it also includes the other story that I have not read, Alice's Looking-Glass. This is another favorite story of mine, I actually have the book sitting on my bookshelf! I think Lewis Carroll is a FANTASMIC writer!!!! I would like to learn more about how he came up with such a story, better yet, a whole different world (I know this can relate to other authors but in my opinion, Carroll's style is like no one else). This topic is so variable that my ideas are going all over the place. This was always a perfect image for what I imagined how another world would be, with challenges, happiness, and craziness just like the world we live in, but with magic :). I think this would be more fun to create a Storybook, rather than a Portfolio, with this story. 
    Finally, I would like to venture into the topic of Sea Monsters and/or Mermaids. A couple stories that come to mind is the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, the Kraken, and the Little Mermaid. I would like to believe that I could group these two topics together, whether I chose to do a Storybook or Portfolio. An idea that I have for this topic would be to have a mermaid/man travel across the oceans and, through their adventures, they would stumble upon various sea monsters, pirates, humans, etc. I chose this as one of my possible topics because I love the water and have always found aquatic life fascinating. Also, I do not know of any other sea-life stories and I would enjoy exploring them for my project, or even as the semester rolls on. 
    Let's Get Kraken!
(A pen and wash drawing by Pierre Dénys de Montfort. Source: Wikimedia)


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