Time Strategies

The schedule I set out for myself is to work a couple of hours every other day. I think I will like this schedule, but I have not had the chance to implement it yet. I picked Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to do my assignments, which still leaves me some time to complete assignments if something comes up. I do not imagine myself changing my schedule, but I like knowing that I can if I need to. One of the time management tips that I know would be helpful for me is listed as number five on the Time Management Tips Just For Creatives webpage. The tip is to "Take Purposeful Breaks." This will be helpful to me because I typically sit and work until I am finished with an assignment, and then I get burned out really quickly, which leads to me scrolling through YouTube or watching a movie/TV show. I have been meaning to actually use the weights I have sitting in my living room so this will give me an excuse to take a break and workout. The other time management article that I read was Realistic Study Plans. I think this will be helpful because I have a hard time keeping up with my planner. I just recently put all my due dates and exams in my planner, but I think I need to take that a step further. One tip that this web page suggested was to schedule in some study time (it's almost like putting together a puzzle). An issue I have with setting up a planner is that I feel like I am wasting time sorting everything out when I could be doing an assignment instead. However, I will say that having a planner helps me sort all my due dates out, or other opportunities/important dates that get brought up in class, instead of jotting it down in my notebook where I usually forget about it entirely.

(Procrastination Cat. Source: Wikimedia


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