Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck compared children with a "Growth Mindset" and children with a "Fixed Mindset" in her video, The power of believing that you can improve. I thought it was interesting that she gave a group of ten-year-old students a test that was more difficult than an average test for that age group. She defined those who enjoyed the challenge had a "Growth Mindset" and described the other kids, who felt defeated and gave up, had a "Fixed Mindset." The students who had a "Growth Mindset" did well on the test, but the kids with a "Fixed Mindset" failed. She mentioned a high school in Chicago that replaced giving students a "Failing" grade with giving them a "Not Yet" (NYET) grade. She claimed that giving kids a NYET grade gave the student's confidence and they started to score better on their exams. 

I get frustrated when I get a crappy grade on an assignment, paper, or exam. As a kid, I remember receiving a big fat "F" on an assignment and it being considerably discouraging. The End Of Instruction (EOI) exams were the worst because I felt extremely pressured to get a high score or I would fail the class. I think it is a brilliant idea to give a child another chance to figure out where they made an error and fix it for a better grade. Personally, I can still get frustrated by certain challenges, but it takes a lot for me to give up. Being in school and having a lot of passion for my degree has given me a lot of motivation and a new perspective. This semester I am challenged with taking seventeen hours, and I my goal is to bring my GPA as much as possible. However, my greatest weaknesses are procrastination and time management. I am curious to learn more about Carole Dweck's research. 

(kitty viciously destroying a book. Source: Growth Mindset Memes blog)


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