Assignments... More like fun activities!

My overall impression of this class started a year ago when two of my friends, who were taking this course, told me about it. I specifically choose this class based off of their recommendation and I truly love mythology and folklore. I have always found these topics interesting. When I was younger, my aunt used to tell me stories and she would come up with some of the most creative fair tales, right off the top of her head! I found that it was impressive and she is a big reason I have a creative streak in me.

As far as coursework, I am excited to do some of these readings. I am not that great of a reader, so it is always nice to work on that. I have a Mythology book at home and it would be interesting to crack that back open and use it for some assignments if the schedule permits. I am curious to read other's blog posts, I always find reading other's ideas interesting. Especially in this class because the format is based on creativity. I really enjoyed the storybooks and think that I would like to do that for my semester-long project, however, I will have to see what the portfolios entail.

I am thankful that this class is based on earning points, you can mold the coursework to fit your schedule, and that there is a tremendous amount of fascinating activities and extra credit. The fact that our schedule is lenient really relieves a lot of stress. Sometimes, I hate my online classes because I get lazy and fall behind; However, I am determined to stick with it this semester and this class will help accomplish that goal.
I think this class will be a great challenge. I am ready to see what is in store for us next.

(My oldest cat, Todd, chilling with a brew. Source: Personal Photo)


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